SCS Volvo FH3 Kriechbaum D13 Sound
Sounds, Volvo, Engines
Engine sound credits go to Kapitan Kriechbaum.
All I am doing is transfering his sounds to another truck.
This mod replaces the SCS Volvo FH16 2009's default engine and
interior sounds with Kriechbaum's D13 sound from his megapack
sound mod for ATS.
It is also worth mentioning that this mod is completely standalone.
Works in 1.47
Known Issues:
-When c...
Розробник: KingBow5er1255
Дата створення: 24 Nov, 2021 @ 7:32pm
Оновлено: 16 May, 2022 @ 2:28pm
Підписників: 17805
Розмір (розпакований) : 4.509 MB
Engine sound credits go to Kapitan Kriechbaum.
All I am doing is transfering his sounds to another truck.
This mod replaces the SCS Volvo FH16 2009's default engine and
interior sounds with Kriechbaum's D13 sound from his megapack
sound mod for ATS.
It is also worth mentioning that this mod is completely standalone.
Works in 1.47
Known Issues:
-When changing the engines in the shop, the icons for the
engines resort to the defaults instead of the blue Volvo
engines. I'm not sure how to fix this, but if anyone does,
let me know, and I will make the changes as soon as I can.
-In convoy mode, the engine sounds are not heard from other
player's trucks.
All I am doing is transfering his sounds to another truck.
This mod replaces the SCS Volvo FH16 2009's default engine and
interior sounds with Kriechbaum's D13 sound from his megapack
sound mod for ATS.
It is also worth mentioning that this mod is completely standalone.
Works in 1.47
Known Issues:
-When changing the engines in the shop, the icons for the
engines resort to the defaults instead of the blue Volvo
engines. I'm not sure how to fix this, but if anyone does,
let me know, and I will make the changes as soon as I can.
-In convoy mode, the engine sounds are not heard from other
player's trucks.
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