Special Transport Escort Police (Front)
AI Traffic
Daniels ETS2 Special Transport Escort Police Mod:
This mod will replace the front escort van with the relevant police car for
the country that the special transport mission starts from.
For example if the route for the special trnasport mission starts in Germany
but will finish in the Netherlands then this mod will replace the front escort
van with the police car for Germ...
Розробник: danbyization
Дата створення: 29 Dec, 2018 @ 9:24am
Оновлено: 22 Jun, 2022 @ 2:10pm
Підписників: 28502
Розмір (розпакований) : 217.971 KB
Daniels ETS2 Special Transport Escort Police Mod:
This mod will replace the front escort van with the relevant police car for
the country that the special transport mission starts from.
For example if the route for the special trnasport mission starts in Germany
but will finish in the Netherlands then this mod will replace the front escort
van with the police car for Germany.
If you have any ideas or feedback then i would love to hear from you.
Please feel free to contact me via my website/blog you can find the details
Be sure to subscribe to my blog to keep up to date
with my latest mods for ETS2.
This mod will replace the front escort van with the relevant police car for
the country that the special transport mission starts from.
For example if the route for the special trnasport mission starts in Germany
but will finish in the Netherlands then this mod will replace the front escort
van with the police car for Germany.
If you have any ideas or feedback then i would love to hear from you.
Please feel free to contact me via my website/blog you can find the details
Be sure to subscribe to my blog to keep up to date
with my latest mods for ETS2.
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