Kruzhink "HONOUR" | Flying Torpedo Boat

Vehicle, Air, Sea, Multi-vehicle, Exploration, Delivery, Land, Advanced, Weapons, v1.4.14

One of the few remaining aerial prototypes from Kruzhink Shipworks.
This one? A Flying Torpedo Boat.
I've yet to get over it. I still remember the first hit. Evacuation began 4 days prior, first with all completed vessels being marked with blue & white flags to mark them as evacuees.
Then came us dedicated workers, we stayed for as long as we could to get every vehicle up ...

Author: Eggnog

Created: 1 Apr, 2022 @ 2:05pm

Updated: 3 Apr, 2022 @ 1:26pm

Subscribers: 38006

Size (unpacked) : 2.749 MB

One of the few remaining aerial prototypes from Kruzhink Shipworks.
This one? A Flying Torpedo Boat.
I've yet to get over it. I still remember the first hit. Evacuation began 4 days prior, first with all completed vessels being marked with blue & white flags to mark them as evacuees. Then came us dedicated workers, we stayed for as long as we could to get every vehicle up to par, even the prototypes, which needed to at least be able to move as to get as many people away from there. "Gents, time is now, townsfolk say they can see ships breaking the fog" said our section manager. Myself and roughly 30 of the veteran workers drifted towards the last ship, a large deep sea trawler, snagging bits of a equipment for the trip to who knows where. Somewhere safe we all hoped. The hope we had soon was challenged shortly after. Schnellboots, quick torpedo boats of the kriegsmarine peeled past the coastal rocks and lined up on us. Every light aboard was flashed, every noise possible was made, to no avail. The little rats sent 10 fish our way, and 3 hit their mark. I was knocked out, and when I awoke, I will not forget the sight. Smoke & Flames. Parts I once called my comrades. We weren't fighters, we were workers. We held no ill-will towards either side, we simply wanted to live. Shore wasn't far. 8 of us workers, 5 of the 20 that were crew. We swam. Looking back at the sea, and the pillar of smoke. The cold, uncaring sea, took with that burning ship our hope. A few of the unfinished projects remained at the yard, considered unable to be made ready in time for departure. In the deepest part of the north warehouse, laid something brilliant. We'd finish this plane, and we'd return the favour so kindly given to us. May they reap what they've sown, in quantity incalculable

  • Simpled, Straight-forward Cockpit
  • Optional Weapons Operator Position
  • Optional Navigator/Radar Operator Position
  • High Quality Exterior
  • 12 Small Bombs
  • 4 Aerial Torpedo
  • 2 Light Auto Cannon
  • Twin-Machinegun Turret
  • Single-20mm Cannon Turret
  • Efficient Engines & Large Fuel Capacity for long-distance sorties
  • Robust Hull Construction capable of sustaining direct hits
  • Search Radar for finding targets at sea.
  • Crew: 1-5 (Pilot, WO, Radar Operator/Navigator, Gunners )
  • Fuel: 5900 Litres
  • Speed: Full Throttle at 100% Propeller Collective = 160 Knots
  • Length: 30.5m
  • Wingspan: 32.5m
  • Total Width:34.25
  • Height: 7.5m

  • Engine
    1. Enable Engine Switches 1-4
    2. Increase Propeller Collective to 100%
    3. Increase Throttle at your own discretion.
  • Land Takeoff
    1. Flaps Deployment is dependent on the pilot.
    2. Once in position, kick throttle to full.
    3. Pitch Up once you surpass 80 Knots.
    4. Once airborne, release the Carriage if you wish to via the panel at the Pilots' feet.
  • Water Takeoff
    1. Flaps Deployment is dependent on the pilot.
    2. Once in position, lower collective to 75% to increase power, and kick throttle to full.
    WARNING: The aircraft is optimized for cruise at 100% collective, maintaining low collective in-flight will over-rev the engines and they will explode.
    3. Maintain course via Rudder Control, it will not takeoff instantly
    4. Once airborne, release the Carriage if you to via the panel at the Pilots' feet.
  • Armament
    Bombs | Count:12, 6 in each bay, 2 drop at a time | Toggle Bombs on the Weapons Panel, decrease throttle to 70%, then A: Glide bomb using the planes nose as a guide. | B: Aim using the bombsight, which is generally accurate.
    Torpedoes | Count:4, 2 in each bay, 2 will fire at a time | Toggle Torpedoes on the Weapons Panel, decrease throttle to 70%, then lower to sub-30m. Release torpedoes at your own discretion. Can be fired In-Air or on the water.
    Guns | Count:2, 200 rounds loaded, 100 in each gun | toggle Cannons on the Weapons Panel, aim using the provided reticle.
    Fire the weapons via your trigger bind.
  • Radar & Map
    Radar | The Radar is a birds-eye perspective, meaning the bottom of the screen is very close, and the top is very far.
    You can change the range of the radar from 8008m to 4004m.
    The Monitor inbetween the Pilot & WO is a radar display, it will turn on when the Radar Operator turns on the Radar.
    Map | The map can be moved by interacting with the screen, and the zoom function is shown on the screen, as well as the reset function.
  • Refueling & Electrics Charging
    The Hose Anchor and Electrical Port are in a hatch on the top left wing.
  • Entering
    There are many hatches around the plane, and a inconspicuous seat is inside for you to use to enter easily.

This plane is for my "The Battered & Banished"(TB&B) Project, an alternate history project inspired by World War 2.
In TB&B, you will find a story of resistance from groups small & large against a common foe.
These vehicles could be described as "Diesal Punk Lite", with tons of little scrappy and machinery details and greebles scattered over them.
Thank you checking out my plane, and if you wish to involve yourself with this project, please feel free to contact me!

Map & Lua Help by Sky
ECU by Mathewjam

How do I download and install mods?

Simply click the blue button above. It will open the file hosting page with the mod repacked by us from the official source.

How do I install this mod?

See the 'How to install' tab.

Is this mod safe to use?

The mods are repacked as is, without any additional software, malware, or bloatware added. To check for viruses, use a reliable antivirus or upload the archive to a website like Anyway, It's always a good practice to keep backups of your saves in case of mod incompatibility .

For vehicle mods

  1. Download the .zip archive containing the vehicle mod files.
  2. Locate your game's root folder.
  3. Navigate to rom\data\preset_vehicles_advanced and extract the files there.
  4. Rename both files to something recognizable, ensuring they share the same base name but different extensions.
  5. Launch the game and go to the Workbench's Presets tab to see the new vehicle mod.