Vulkan-class Tactical Missile Submarine

Vehicle, Sea, Exploration, Technical, Underwater, Mechanical, Advanced, Weapons, v1.6.12

PLEASE READ, or copy to a text file for reference when you get stuck. HIGH PHYSICS DETAIL REQUIRED!

Nuclear-powered guided missile submarine

Speed (submerged, full load):
27 knots - standard propulsion
23 knots - caterpillar drive

12x medium tactical missiles
8x medium general purpose torpedoes
4x noisemaker decoys


Author: Dragon

Created: 30 Aug, 2022 @ 3:28pm

Updated: 1 Feb, 2023 @ 11:51am

Subscribers: 27610

Size (unpacked) : 9.731 MB

PLEASE READ, or copy to a text file for reference when you get stuck. HIGH PHYSICS DETAIL REQUIRED!

Nuclear-powered guided missile submarine

Speed (submerged, full load):
27 knots - standard propulsion
23 knots - caterpillar drive

12x medium tactical missiles
8x medium general purpose torpedoes
4x noisemaker decoys

Nuclear, 12x steam turbines developing 6000sW.

A medium submarine designed for attacking land and sea targets on and around enemy held islands and then deploying frogmen for assault and capture - all whilst staying submerged indefinitely with unlimited range. The submarine can be operated by a single person or operated semi-autonomously via radio command and control, therefore making it useful for defensive purposes as well.

The submarine can be remotely controlled from a compatible command station (see links below).

The security code for activating weapons is 1984. Hold jump (spacebar) when climbing up ladders between decks to get out of the hatches.

Head to the control room and familiarise yourself with the interior. Powerplant and radios will be on by default. Wait a few minutes for the reactor and boilers to heat up, generators will start spooling up at boiling point and settle at 6000sW.

  • Select propulsion mode (standard or caterpillar drive) and use WASD to throttle and steer from the helm. Hold hotkey 1 to neutralise throttle.
  • Select a preset depth (surface, periscope depth, cruise depth or max depth) or use hotkeys 2 and 3 to set depth.
  • When Max Depth is selected, use the Minimum Depth Below Keel keypad to set the distance the submarine should stay above the seafloor. Use 30m as an average when at speed.
  • Use hotkeys 4 and 5 to raise or lower the periscope, use arrow keys to rotate and tilt, press hotkey 6 to reset to forward position.
  • Press the Cycle Monitor Modes button to switch between periscope, missile cameras, radar map and sonar map.

The white bar on the Depth Gauge is your current depth and the red bar is the set depth. The submarine will attempt to stay close to the set depth using ballast when stationary (works at any depth) or hydroplanes when at speed.

Standard Propulsion is faster but noisy, Caterpillar Drive is slower but quiet. Silent Running will limit throttle and reduce turbine RPS to 700sW generator output.

Night lights will automatically switch on between 6pm and 6am.

Use the keypads to set waypoint coordinates and collision avoidance distance. A good average collision avoidance distance is around 250-300.

  • Auto-heading will move the submarine directly to the given waypoint coordinates, the submarine will stop if the waypoint is within collision avoidance distance.
  • Collision avoidance will attempt to steer the submarine away from landmass that's closer than collision avoidance distance and above the submarine's depth. It will also reduce speed or reverse to avoid collisions. Turn on the radar to also avoid other ships when at periscope depth or surfaced.

Detection and Tracking
Tracking a contact via radar

  • Turn on the radar (periscope needs to be above water). The sweep radar will detect contacts from ~6500m.
  • (Optional) Switch target channels to display data for nearest, second nearest or third nearest contact. The prioritised contact will be highlighted with a green box on the radar map display.
  • (Optional) Turn on the Periscope Radar Seeker to point the periscope in the direction of the contact.
  • When the contact is within ~2000m, point the periscope at the contact and turn the Periscope Radar Tracker on. This will lock the periscope on to the contact.
  • Use the radar map to display contacts over a wider area (up to 10 contacts).

Tracking a contact via sonar

  • Turn on the sonar/hydrophone. Detection range for the hydrophone is about 2000m.
  • (Optional) Switch target channels to display data for nearest, second nearest or third nearest contact. Your submarine will be the nearest most of the time, switch to channel 2 if so.
  • Use sonar ping to detect more distant contacts. Press the sonar ping button once to send out a ping and display data for the nearest contact, press again to reset back to hydrophone.
  • When the contact is within ~2500m, turn on the sonar tracker to lock onto the contact and return more precise sonar data.
  • Use the sonar map to display contacts over a wider area (up to 10 contacts), hydrophone contacts will be indicated by red lines.


Guidance Modes:

Missiles use active radio guidance. Map coordinates and guidance modes can be changed mid-flight.

  • Map Coordinates (default): Enter map coordinates in the keypad and press the Transmit Waypoint button. Missiles will attack the coordinates position.
  • External Guidance: Turn on to guide missiles to the submarine's current radar contact instead of map coordinates.
  • Alternate Target Data: Turn on (with External Guidance also turned on) to receive external guidance data from an observation vehicle, see the command station container's description for setup and usage (links below).
  • Sonar Guidance: Turn on (with External Guidance also turned on) to guide missiles to the submarine's current sonar contact instead of map coordinates.
  • Terminal Radar Homing: When turned on, missiles will use their onboard radars to home in on the nearest contact during the terminal phase of their flight. Turn on when attacking other craft.
  • Manual Control: Take direct control of the missile and use WASD to steer it from the helm. Submarine controls will be disabled whilst missile manual control is on.

Use radar and sonar trackers for more precise external guidance. Use sonar guidance only when the sonar tracker is locked on to the target.

Launching Missiles:

Missiles can be launched from any depth, although periscope depth is recommended. Missiles will launch in order from first to last with a range of up to 3.5km. Accuracy may be reduced in windy conditions, launch/steer missiles so that they fly into or with the wind for better hit chance.

  • Activate weapons by entering security code 1984 on the weapons activation keypad.
  • Toggle the Arm Missiles button, this will also open cell hatches.
  • (Optional) Turn on the monitor and cycle through missile cameras as needed.
  • Select guidance modes and launch. If no guidance mode is selected, the missile will attack the given map coordinates.


Torpedoes are fire-and-forget, guided by their onboard sonars. They can also be used to attack other submarines.

  • Torpedoes will fire in the direction the periscope is looking by default.
  • Turn on Sonar Targeting to fire torpedoes in the direction of the submarine's current sonar contact.
  • Use the sonar tracker for more precise sonar targeting.

Launching and Reloading Torpedoes:

  • Activate weapons by entering security code 1984 on the weapons activation keypad.
  • Toggle the Arm Torpedoes button.
  • Flood the torpedo tube.
  • Once fully flooded, open the tube hatch and fire the torpedo.
  • Wait for the torpedo to clear the tube, then close the tube hatch and drain the tube.
  • Once fully drained, press the Reload button.

It's best to keep tubes flooded most of the time so that they are ready to fire when need be.

Command Station Container:

-No XML modding, no third-party dependencies.

How do I download and install mods?

Simply click the blue button above. It will open the file hosting page with the mod repacked by us from the official source.

How do I install this mod?

See the 'How to install' tab.

Is this mod safe to use?

The mods are repacked as is, without any additional software, malware, or bloatware added. To check for viruses, use a reliable antivirus or upload the archive to a website like Anyway, It's always a good practice to keep backups of your saves in case of mod incompatibility .

For vehicle mods

  1. Download the .zip archive containing the vehicle mod files.
  2. Locate your game's root folder.
  3. Navigate to rom\data\preset_vehicles_advanced and extract the files there.
  4. Rename both files to something recognizable, ensuring they share the same base name but different extensions.
  5. Launch the game and go to the Workbench's Presets tab to see the new vehicle mod.