Amazing Space Battles
Gameplay, Graphics, Spaceships
Compatible with Stellaris V3.9
This Giant mod combines my previous graphical mods + far more, in order to completely improve the graphics of Stellaris space battles.
It improves the graphics of almost EVERY weapon in the game- adding lots of new custom effects (while staying true to vannilla intentions), improved ship spacing and behavior in battles, adds new EPIC custom expl...
Розробник: Chickenhunt
Дата створення: 2 Oct, 2019 @ 6:08am
Оновлено: 7 Oct, 2023 @ 11:04am
Підписників: 189724
Розмір (розпакований) : 9.575 MB
Compatible with Stellaris V3.9
It improves the graphics of almost EVERY weapon in the game- adding lots of new custom effects (while staying true to vannilla intentions), improved ship spacing and behavior in battles, adds new EPIC custom explosions, adds missing hit and muzzle effects paradox did not make, Creates custom effects for shield and hull hits + Space Battles are NOT over in seconds.
But above all, this mod makes space battles super fun to watch!
The new custom Titan explosion effect
Tip: Press Ctrl+F9 for a cinematic view.
The new weapon effects:
Gamma Laser Firing
New and improved travel-laser effect, for better graphics but also making it easier to distinguish who is shooting who. Added new muzzle and hit effects.
Missile Firing
New missiles graphics with new smoke, exhaust and backblast effects. Added fire explosion and shards on impact.
Titan Laser Firing
New effects for all XL weapons Including adaptive Lightning for arc emitters, Giga cannons Rail gun effect, Particle Lance beams and also this Epic Titan Perdition beam effect.
Neutron Launcher Firing
New and improved effects for particle launchers. Projectile improved to have a spinning-pulsating disk that is larger and far more visible. Added a new muzzle and hit effect to create a feeling of "Impact" and "power" for this high damage late-game weaponry.
Top: Two fleets engaging using kinetic weaponry - Bottom: A Battleship firing autocannons
Kinetic weapon graphics overhauled for more visibilty and color difference. Added different custom hit and muzzle effects for all varients of kinetic weapons. Also added new autocannon graphics for a more "Gatling Gun" look.
Lvl 3 Disruptors Firing
Disruptor graphics overhauled to better embody its description instead of a laser-like "blur".
Vannilla description = "Disruptors fire energy bolts that damage and destroy the molecular bonds holding the target's constituent atoms together. They completely ignore shields and armor and deal base damage directly to the hull."
A fleet defending itself using flak
Added a new FLAK effect for all flak PD weapons (vannilla used the autocannon effect).
Strike-Craft leaving ship carrier-hangars using the new animations
More realistic Strike-craft animations and behaviour. Strike-craft dont perform pirouettes around ships anymore and have better spacing. Improved weapon graphics as well.
A battleship going down
Overhauled improved explosion graphics for every ship type. More and custom pre-explosions before final explosion effect. Improved fire trails and a new lingering debree/sparks effect for the bigger ships.
Please check-out the Amazing Space Battles Collection for all of the Addon mods.
For Medium to High-end PC's
I recommend: More Visible Particles
For Low to Medium-end PC's
I recommend: More Visible Particles (Lite)
Steam Workshop link for the Ironman Version
You dont like the longer battles?
For these specific group of people I recommend: ASB Addon: Shorter Battles
What you need to do if the mod descriptor file is missing or not automatically updating:
1. unsubscribe from mod
2. delete "mods_registry.json" -> User\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris
3. delete "ugc_1878473679.mod"-> User\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod
4. subscribe to mod
I am a engineering student who does this in my free time because I love playing Stellaris, modding and sci-fi. Any and all support is greatly appreciated, Thank you very much!
This Giant mod combines my previous graphical mods + far more, in order to completely improve the graphics of Stellaris space battles.
It improves the graphics of almost EVERY weapon in the game- adding lots of new custom effects (while staying true to vannilla intentions), improved ship spacing and behavior in battles, adds new EPIC custom explosions, adds missing hit and muzzle effects paradox did not make, Creates custom effects for shield and hull hits + Space Battles are NOT over in seconds.
But above all, this mod makes space battles super fun to watch!
The new custom Titan explosion effect
- New EPIC explosions for every ship type.
- New Effects for all Lasers.
- New Effects for all Kinetic Weapons.
- New Effects for all Particle Launchers.
- New Effects for all Missiles.
- New Effects for all Disruptors.
- New Effects for all autocannons.
- New Effects for XL Weapons.
- New Effects for Titan Weapon.
- New Effects for anti-fighter - Flakk.
- New Effects for all weapons when they hit shield or hull.
- Effects get larger as gun size increases.
- Improved Fighter behaviour and movement.
- Slower ship movement during battles.
- More intelligent ship spacing and behaviour during battles (no more face hugging fleets).
- Better ship targeting i.e no more entire fleets targeting one ship at a time.
- Graphical fixes for weapons without hit or muzzle effects.
- Longer lasting battles
Tip: Press Ctrl+F9 for a cinematic view.
The new weapon effects:
Gamma Laser Firing
New and improved travel-laser effect, for better graphics but also making it easier to distinguish who is shooting who. Added new muzzle and hit effects.
Missile Firing
New missiles graphics with new smoke, exhaust and backblast effects. Added fire explosion and shards on impact.
Titan Laser Firing
New effects for all XL weapons Including adaptive Lightning for arc emitters, Giga cannons Rail gun effect, Particle Lance beams and also this Epic Titan Perdition beam effect.
Neutron Launcher Firing
New and improved effects for particle launchers. Projectile improved to have a spinning-pulsating disk that is larger and far more visible. Added a new muzzle and hit effect to create a feeling of "Impact" and "power" for this high damage late-game weaponry.
Top: Two fleets engaging using kinetic weaponry - Bottom: A Battleship firing autocannons
Kinetic weapon graphics overhauled for more visibilty and color difference. Added different custom hit and muzzle effects for all varients of kinetic weapons. Also added new autocannon graphics for a more "Gatling Gun" look.
Lvl 3 Disruptors Firing
Disruptor graphics overhauled to better embody its description instead of a laser-like "blur".
Vannilla description = "Disruptors fire energy bolts that damage and destroy the molecular bonds holding the target's constituent atoms together. They completely ignore shields and armor and deal base damage directly to the hull."
A fleet defending itself using flak
Added a new FLAK effect for all flak PD weapons (vannilla used the autocannon effect).
Strike-Craft leaving ship carrier-hangars using the new animations
More realistic Strike-craft animations and behaviour. Strike-craft dont perform pirouettes around ships anymore and have better spacing. Improved weapon graphics as well.
A battleship going down
Overhauled improved explosion graphics for every ship type. More and custom pre-explosions before final explosion effect. Improved fire trails and a new lingering debree/sparks effect for the bigger ships.
Please check-out the Amazing Space Battles Collection for all of the Addon mods.
For Medium to High-end PC's
I recommend: More Visible Particles
For Low to Medium-end PC's
I recommend: More Visible Particles (Lite)
Steam Workshop link for the Ironman Version
- Ironman Compatible: No. (A "trimmed-down" Ironman version is available)
- Savegame Compatible: Yes.
- Compatible with mods adding custom ships.
- Compatible with mods adding custom weapons and other items - altough they may need a patch for adding my gfx onto their weapons, otherwise their items use the vannilla effects.
- Compatible with Real Space (put ASB higher on the modlist)
- Compatible with Downscaled ships
- Compatible with NSC
You dont like the longer battles?
For these specific group of people I recommend: ASB Addon: Shorter Battles
What you need to do if the mod descriptor file is missing or not automatically updating:
1. unsubscribe from mod
2. delete "mods_registry.json" -> User\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris
3. delete "ugc_1878473679.mod"-> User\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod
4. subscribe to mod
Support the mod:
Hello, if you like the mods that I make and you wish to thank me for my work, you can do so by buying me a coffee :)I am a engineering student who does this in my free time because I love playing Stellaris, modding and sci-fi. Any and all support is greatly appreciated, Thank you very much!
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