Epic Explosions
Compatible with 3.2 and older versions
Does it feel wrong to you that ships equipped with unimaginably powerful fusion reactors quietly drift into the darkness after destruction? This mod will make them blaze like a star for one last glorious moment.
Compatibility/information:-Achievement compatible.
-Mod compatibility: should work with almost anything. However mods that add new s...
Розробник: Kondi
Дата створення: 28 May, 2016 @ 3:45am
Оновлено: 25 Nov, 2021 @ 8:10am
Підписників: 84202
Розмір (розпакований) : 0.365 MB
Compatible with 3.2 and older versions
Does it feel wrong to you that ships equipped with unimaginably powerful fusion reactors quietly drift into the darkness after destruction? This mod will make them blaze like a star for one last glorious moment.
-Mod compatibility: should work with almost anything. However mods that add new ships may or may not get these effects.
Does it feel wrong to you that ships equipped with unimaginably powerful fusion reactors quietly drift into the darkness after destruction? This mod will make them blaze like a star for one last glorious moment.
-Achievement compatible.-Mod compatibility: should work with almost anything. However mods that add new ships may or may not get these effects.
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Моди перезаливаються нами з оригінального джерела, без жодних змін. Ми лише запаковуємо їх в звичайний архів. Додатково можете перевірити архів на наявність загроз за допомогою будь-якого антивірусу або онлайн-сканеру на кшталт virustotal.com. Також рекомендуємо робити резервні копії ваших сейвів, про всяк випадок.Інструкції для цієї гри ще немає..