Extended Vanilla Clothes

Leaders, Species

This mod adds more than 1100 clothes variations for vanilla species/races (up to 11 new color variations per clothes). It also randomises clothes of each vanilla race including plantoids species. Now every pop, species representing model, leader and ruler will have variations of clothes and it will be different every time. And no longer a scientist, admiral leader and etc., be dressed the same eve...

Розробник: Fugasas

Дата створення: 26 Feb, 2017 @ 11:50am

Оновлено: 15 Sep, 2023 @ 5:54am

Підписників: 15833

Розмір (розпакований) : 459.940 MB

This mod adds more than 1100 clothes variations for vanilla species/races (up to 11 new color variations per clothes). It also randomises clothes of each vanilla race including plantoids species. Now every pop, species representing model, leader and ruler will have variations of clothes and it will be different every time. And no longer a scientist, admiral leader and etc., be dressed the same every time you play. All pops in a planet will be different (most of the times).

It only changes files located in "...gfx/portraits/asset_selectors" and nothing else. It is compatible with any save or other mods that do not change vanilla clothes files.

Humanoid pack is also supported.

This mod is achievement compatible.

Please check out my mods:
United Sci-Fi races (200+ races)
United traits (70+ traits)
Extended Vanilla Clothes (1100+ clothes)
United Sci-Fi: Robots (includes extended SD portraits)
United Flags (various Sci-Fi and other flag collection)
United Small Tweaks (minor changes for gameplay)

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