鸽组汉化 Flora Edition


A rough desc page for English users. For more information, please visit the Chinese language page. :)

───────────────── About ─────────────────We're a translation team. And this mod is dedicated to providing free Chinese translations for WorkShop mods.
Only translation files here and DO NOT contain any other Mod content.
However, to avoid conflicts, mods that replace vanilla loc...

Розробник: 月都旅人

Дата створення: 14 Jun, 2020 @ 10:20pm

Оновлено: 2 Dec, 2023 @ 6:58am

Підписників: 193304

Розмір (розпакований) : 16.336 MB

A rough desc page for English users. For more information, please visit the Chinese language page. :)

───────────────── About ─────────────────
We're a translation team. And this mod is dedicated to providing free Chinese translations for WorkShop mods.
Only translation files here and DO NOT contain any other Mod content.
However, to avoid conflicts, mods that replace vanilla localization are not included.

If you want us to translate your mod, feel free to post your link on discussion/suggestion.
Or just DM my discord: LunarTraveller#5986. You can find me in Modding Den too.

─────────────── Translation List ────────────────

🥇Concentrated Translation👉
🔶List 🔶
🔷Collection 🔷
🥈Built-in Translation👉
🔶List 🔶
🔷Collection 🔷
🥉Independent Translation👉
🔶List 🔶
🔷Collection 🔷
List and actual content may differ due to lazy lack of synchronization

──────────────── Contributors ────────────────
Admin(5) KrukaL(Alpes Maritimae) btsrkex(jbdcr) Ankol-v(Ankol) shouerma(兽耳娘是好文明) DERSCHNEE1 Proofreader(6) Darth0Vdaer(Валерий Саблин) MasterIMLG(专家[我是传奇]!) SANagisa(SA_Nagisa) MuriyaTensei(梦璃夜天星) liyuanchen1996(恶龙维尔) YUKOKI(MISA 19881) Translator(83) Naitang1207(七彩小宝莉) CatilicWitch MSTnoin(MSTnoin) SorudeCyrus(MADAO) EDING1250(EDING) saltfish13(咸鱼SALTFISH) vesel099(花茶) AshenJN(Ashen) Bl-XY(噬星鸽) fdsafdsree brucelang32 CabbageKing(卷心菜菜) sqx626(一杯伍迪) passerprophet(路过的先知) 363760758(YU_QAQ) USSSouthDakota iPolluxGem(半分星) Chromakiin WishToBeBetter(鉴史明世) yszd(银色子弹) SkyWolfy682(罐头质检员) jackieo1020301(jackieo1020301) plaeyr123 TAIFSU lurunlin(Houge) Nazrin720(娜兹琳) Chanrian(香芮安) DrPepper023 Lossnoshape Night-Lighter Executor-KDY(Erika_on_TABH) fgf1011 FakeMemory w4js(w4js) fixedbug(fixedbug) UltraK381(UK) ZhiweiREN97 templarfenix(Huskyyyyyy) PRC-GC-Chang KasierIch(Yukari Yakumo) Antoxxx(魂魄 妖梦) enshulv zoy909(黑川啓太) Jiu-Cha(玖茶) kniferd HasturQ(HasturQ) LL-LL-ZZ-ZZ yuezhengzhi(一般路过虚境园) MADxingjin(MADxingjin) kunyue-98(坤月) XLtip(XLtip) YBRua(YBiuR) Winger216 ChthollyLee DrGu1tar AIeasy(Zhongxin Hu) Mosin-Lee(灰风是好灰蛊) mountiger(sanpo) ciwomuli(ciwomuli) littlesunry(无暗黎明) space-method JujubeTea306(枣茶) everbeiju1 lbdgzr

────────────── Translation Tool ──────────────
We are currently using the ParaTranz website for cloud translation, which is foolproof and streamlined.
English and Japanese are supported.
Translators of other languages are welcome to try out this site.

Here is the link→[paratranz.cn]

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Як встановити мод?

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