


SpeedDial adds buttons at the top left of your screen once you establish communications with enclaves. The buttons act as a 'speed dial', allowing you to open a diplomacy window with them direct from the main screen without having to navigate to different menus. You can contact the Artisans, Curators, Traders, Marauders, Caravaneers, and the Shroud using these buttons.


Розробник: MacAwesome

Дата створення: 18 Apr, 2017 @ 11:43pm

Оновлено: 18 Jan @ 9:11am

Підписників: 32754

Розмір (розпакований) : 1.050 MB


SpeedDial adds buttons at the top left of your screen once you establish communications with enclaves. The buttons act as a 'speed dial', allowing you to open a diplomacy window with them direct from the main screen without having to navigate to different menus. You can contact the Artisans, Curators, Traders, Marauders, Caravaneers, and the Shroud using these buttons.

Once you discover a trader or curator enclave, an 'extend' button will appear which will let you call a specific enclave. You can then switch the mode to 'fixed' to contact the last enclave you contacted using the extended buttons.

The hover-over tooltip for the Shroud now displays approximate waiting times! The tooltip changes to show if you have to wait less than:

10/5/4/3/2/1 years, and 6/5/4/3/2/1 months


If you activate the mod in an old save file, be aware of two things:

Specific Curator calling will be enabled at the end of the first month you play.

The Shroud timer tooltips will be broken if you are currently still in cooldown (ie. you reached into the Shroud before you saved the game, and before you installed/updated this mod). You will get a popup in-game explaining this. To fix the tooltips, wait till you can reach into the shroud again, then let a month tick by.

Other Versions

zraith's Additional Map Modes compatible version [2.1]: here.

SpeedDial for 1.9.*: here
SpeedDial for 2.1.*: here
SpeedDial for 3.1.*: here (this was "live" version up to patch 3.9.1)

Mods with Integrated Support

2023-09-26 NOTE: At some point in the past these mods were integrated and supported. It is unknown to what extent they still compatible:

folk's Mercenary Enclave
had's Human Fallen Empires

(the following based on relytor's code)
XVCV's Unofficial Machine and Synthetic Empire DLC
Complex's Unofficial Hive DLC: Forgotten Queens
Klaric's Psionic Hive Minds

(the following based on GreenKeldeo's code)
the24thds's New Enclaves
GreenKeldeo et al's Xenonion News Enclave


This mod should be compatible with all mods which don't modify certain parts of the GUI, such as mapmodes.

If you're using Event Horizon Offset Facility, make sure to also use the compatibility patch


Localisation is English for all languages by default. If you want your own language supported, provide localisation and I'll include it and recognize you here. I've added more to this mod, so further localisation is necessary (Although I've added some localisation lines on occasion).

[✓] Polish by AL|EN
[✓] Russian by Isterichka, had and Dimuch62 [RUS], updated by SmokeAnDrink
[~] German by killy84
[~] French by EwieFairy and Khyinn
[✓] Spanish by SmokeAnDrink
[X] Portuguese

[✓] = up to date
[~] = not up to date
[X] = not done

Thanks to the localisation contributors!


Can I get achievements if I use this mod?

No. The fact that custom buttons exist in a mod makes achievements unavailable - nothing I can do about that.

What if there are x trader or curator enclaves? What do the buttons do then?

The trader and curator buttons call a random known trader or curator. Or you can call specific ones using the 'extended' mode

I want to call a specific trader!

You can switch your mode to 'extended', and call a trader that way. Switching the mode to 'fixed' will change the main buttons to call the last enclave called using the extended lists!

Notes for Modders

Note for mod compatibility:

This should be compatible with most mods, but may not be compatible with some map mods. If it's not compatible, you'll need to merge the mods in question. See below.

Note for modders:

This mod replaces "maingui_bottombar" inside main_bottom.gui. Four 'effectButtonType' containers are added near the top of the gui file. If your mod edits this file, you'll need to merge both mods and copy over the relevant containers to your new gui file.

From Ryuichiro: Additional note for modders, the Integrated Support for other mods can throw some errors (1 for Mercenary Enclave and 7 for Human Fallen Empires) which don't lead to problems because the events/effects will never be called if you don't have these mods.
2020-08-11 NOTE: some more errors will be thrown since some more mods have been made compatible.

Як завантажити моди?

Натисніть на кнопку вище та завантажте обраний мод з файлового сховища.

Як встановити мод?

Див. секцію "Як встановити".

Чи безпечний завантажуваний файл?

Моди перезаливаються нами з оригінального джерела, без жодних змін. Ми лише запаковуємо їх в звичайний архів. Додатково можете перевірити архів на наявність загроз за допомогою будь-якого антивірусу або онлайн-сканеру на кшталт virustotal.com. Також рекомендуємо робити резервні копії ваших сейвів, про всяк випадок.

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