
Balance, Buildings, Economy


Inspired by the concept art used in the thumbnail this mod adds various arcologies to the game. Even though only one arcology building can be constructed per planet they represent multiple towers as depicted in the art (and the mod's in-game descriptions and flavor text). These arcologies are so large that they are implemented in the mod as a...

Author: Saxon

Created: 23 Aug, 2019 @ 12:51pm

Updated: 2 Oct, 2023 @ 12:19pm

Subscribers: 8444

Size (unpacked) : 0.692 MB


Inspired by the concept art used in the thumbnail this mod adds various arcologies to the game. Even though only one arcology building can be constructed per planet they represent multiple towers as depicted in the art (and the mod's in-game descriptions and flavor text). These arcologies are so large that they are implemented in the mod as a cross between a building and a district, requiring both a building space and a district slot.

All arcologies benefit from population capacity increases through research normally only associated with city districts and their hive/machine analogs. Additionally they also gain the extra clerks or maintenance drones unlocked in the relevant perk in the prosperity ascension tree.

The main draw of these extreme megabuildings is that they greatly reduce the amount of living space used by pops by allowing planets to exponentially build upwards. And they are also a nice crowning achievement for your ascendant stellar civilization, which now decorates their planet-wide cities with even more ridiculously over-sized towers which reach into the clouds.

In older versions of this mod players were allowed to build unlimited amounts of arcologies on any type of planet. As many of you pointed out this was neither balanced nor realistic. This is why I have implemented three construction tiers, a one-per-planet building limit and new limitations on where these can be built. For example an orbital habitat can only support the lowest tier. And the highest tier has such absurd dimensions that they are only feasible on arcologies or ring worlds.

There are four thematic variants of the arcologies based on which type of empire you are playing, each with slightly different bonuses. More variants are planned for the future. For example a Paradise Spire for Rogue Servitors which provides lots of bio-trophy jobs.

Elitist civilizations waste a lot of habitable space by prioritizing the extravagant desires of whatever elites lord over everyone else whether it be technocracies, theocracies, plutocracies or aristocracies. Reflecting their social hierarchy the elite resides at the pinnacle of the spires, reflected in-game by added ruler jobs and a higher number of clerks, representing their lower status attendants.
They need to unlock the Arcology Project ascension perk.

Collectivist civilizations go out of their way to equally distribute the habitation space. Their arcologies offer much more housing as a result and generate a bit of unity representing their generous social programs.
They need to unlock the Arcology Project ascension perk.

Hive Minds build organic towers full of drone nests and hatcheries. The largest version is a huge mass of flesh which needs to be integrated into a living hive world where it is constantly pumped full of nutrients in order for it and the billions of drones living inside to survive. To fit in with the theme of a teeming hive their arcologies generate additional spawning drone jobs.
They need to unlock the Hive Worlds ascension perk.

Machine Intelligences build massive yet intricately complex drone towers which defy the understanding of any organic mind. Inside of these mechanical monstrosities entire swarms of machine entities are assembled, stored and rapidly deployed as needed between assignments. The largest of the drone arcologies require nothing less than integration into a full-fledged Machine World. To reflect these themes their towers generate replicator jobs.
They need to unlock the Machine Worlds ascension perk.

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How do I download and install mods?

Simply click the blue button above. It will open the file hosting page with the mod repacked by us from the official source.

How do I install this mod?

See the 'How to install' tab.

Is this mod safe to use?

The mods are repacked as is, without any additional software, malware, or bloatware added. To check for viruses, use a reliable antivirus or upload the archive to a website like Anyway, It's always a good practice to keep backups of your saves in case of mod incompatibility .

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