Masters of Nature 2.1

Balance, Economy, Events, Gameplay

This is the legacy 2.1 version. Find the new 2.2+ version here

Land Clearance Improved
Tired of mastering nature and thinking, all I got was one lousy tile? Well now you don't have to stop at flattening mountains and filling in the sea, you can create underground cities or even build islands in the sky. Continues the land clearance edict by adding two new scaling edicts: Subterranean Exp...

Author: starchitec

Created: 8 Mar, 2018 @ 1:19pm

Updated: 8 Feb, 2019 @ 4:26pm

Subscribers: 3944

Size (unpacked) : 0.485 MB

This is the legacy 2.1 version. Find the new 2.2+ version here

Land Clearance Improved

Tired of mastering nature and thinking, all I got was one lousy tile? Well now you don't have to stop at flattening mountains and filling in the sea, you can create underground cities or even build islands in the sky. Continues the land clearance edict by adding two new scaling edicts: Subterranean Expansion and Sky Islands. These edicts are more expensive, but they will give you more than just a tile or two, they come with new events and planet modifiers.

Whats New

Building an underground city takes time. Starting a project takes upfront influence and energy, but mineral costs will spread over the 5 years it takes to complete. Once you decree that a project will begin, an event allows you to choose what kind of sky island or subterranean city you have in mind. Each one offers both powerful bonuses and balancing maluses that will appear as a new planet modifier once construction is complete. With both projects, you can get any size 20 world to 25, and most other worlds into the 20+ range.

Events to Build:
  • Subterranean Fortress (-20% Orbital Damage, +50% Defense Army Damage)
  • Subterranean Foundry (+50% Minerals, -15% Habitability, +25% Robot Upkeep, +25% Food Consumption)
  • SkyMall(TM) (+20% Energy, +20% Consumer Goods)
  • SkyGreen (+20% Unity, +20% Happiness, -5 Energy)
  • SkyEstate (+1 Influence, +50% Ethics Divergence, Empire Unique)

Edicts appear once you unlock the Master of Nature Ascension perk.


No vanilla files were harmed in the making of this mod. In theory that means it is compatible with everything. The only thing that could break this mod is anything that removes the vanilla land clearance edict. I know of no such mod, but if you want to break this one, now you have the tools.

Save game compatible, and compatible with previous versions of this mod (you won't get the modifiers on any planets you have already improved, but the events will appear for new ones). If its feeling frisky, sometimes the AI might use these edicts itself. It will not create sky estates however, if you see an AI with one of those let me know so I can have words with it.

Built in compatability with Core Game Mechanics, thank you to ExNihil

Balance and sanity patch for Alphamod, thank you to AlphaAsh

Future Plans

More events! Construction delays, potential to find larger caverns and more tiles, flavor events. Eventually Estates and Foundries should have a bit of risk associated with them as the tooltips imply. If I can swing it, different tilesets for the new land. No promises, that might require magic.

Images adapted from:

Russian Localisation by Spillik
Japanese Localisation by BARRY
Any other language localisation will appreciated and credited here. It could be you!

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How do I download and install mods?

Simply click the blue button above. It will open the file hosting page with the mod repacked by us from the official source.

How do I install this mod?

See the 'How to install' tab.

Is this mod safe to use?

The mods are repacked as is, without any additional software, malware, or bloatware added. To check for viruses, use a reliable antivirus or upload the archive to a website like Anyway, It's always a good practice to keep backups of your saves in case of mod incompatibility .

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