My Precursor


Never Lose a Precursor System to that Annoying Neighbor AgainTired of doing decades worth of xeno-archaeology to find that fabled First League homeworld, only to find its location and have it wind up locked behind some jerk xenophobe empire with closed borders who then just wanders in and takes the spoils? Ever wonder why no one ever noticed that hyperlane or star before? Well worry no more.

Author: starchitec

Created: 25 Feb, 2019 @ 3:17pm

Updated: 5 Nov, 2023 @ 8:53am

Subscribers: 6416

Size (unpacked) : 0.633 MB

Never Lose a Precursor System to that Annoying Neighbor Again
Tired of doing decades worth of xeno-archaeology to find that fabled First League homeworld, only to find its location and have it wind up locked behind some jerk xenophobe empire with closed borders who then just wanders in and takes the spoils? Ever wonder why no one ever noticed that hyperlane or star before? Well worry no more.

Now completing the precursor event chain will spawn the precursor system without a hyperlane connection. In fact, at first it will be entirely disconnected from everything. A special project will allow you to stabilize an ancient portal from somewhere within your space to the lost system. You of course will need wormhole technology to reach it. Only the first person to complete the chain will get a wormhole to the precursor system.

This only overwrites the hidden event to spawn precursor systems. It does not overwrite the system initializer or any other precursor events, so it should be compatible with most mods that do anything with precursors. Should be compatible with Guilli's Planet Modifiers precursor changes, Visible Precursors, All Precursors, and most anything else. Let me know if you notice any issues.

Save game compatible. Not Achievement compatibile.

Image by BLPH[]

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Technology Repeated Repeatable Technologies


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Simply click the blue button above. It will open the file hosting page with the mod repacked by us from the official source.

How do I install this mod?

See the 'How to install' tab.

Is this mod safe to use?

The mods are repacked as is, without any additional software, malware, or bloatware added. To check for viruses, use a reliable antivirus or upload the archive to a website like Anyway, It's always a good practice to keep backups of your saves in case of mod incompatibility .

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