Real Space - Astrogeology

Gameplay, Real Space

Astrogeology version 1.1

This version is compatible with patch 2.1.0 Niven.

This addition to the Real Space mod is aimed at completely changing the appearance of resources in the game.

The main purpose of this mod is to reduce the total number of resources in Real Space Mod. Due to binary and more systems, the amount of energy in the RS is much larger than in the vanilla versi...

Author: Annatar

Created: 7 Mar, 2018 @ 6:12am

Updated: 7 Sep, 2018 @ 1:40am

Subscribers: 4558

Size (unpacked) : 0.225 MB

Astrogeology version 1.1

This version is compatible with patch 2.1.0 Niven.

This addition to the Real Space mod is aimed at completely changing the appearance of resources in the game.

The main purpose of this mod is to reduce the total number of resources in Real Space Mod. Due to binary and more systems, the amount of energy in the RS is much larger than in the vanilla version. The average number of other resources is also different, for a variety of reasons. This mod fixes this balance problem in the game.

As in the old version of Astrogeology, the idea of ​​the dependence of the amount of resources on the class of stars works in this mod. But this is realized differently, much more balanced.

Although the average amount of resources is approximately at the level of the vanilla version of the game, the field distribution system has been completely redesigned. The game will become more difficult. More resources on uninhabited planets. Usually the inhabited planets are poorer, but due to modifiers some planets will become much more attractive than before.

Most uninhabited planets with rings will now have resources. Now the planetary rings are not just decorations.

Added 5 new local resources:
  • Trionium
  • Adranite
  • Xylaan pollen
  • Uhlon artifact
  • Gravitoid

Added local precursor resources. You will discover them if you start the corresponding chain of events.

All new resources are getting their technologies and new buildings.

Attention! You should use this mod with Real Space and Real Space - Stellar Expedition!

Join the Real Space Mod group to discuss the project!

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How do I download and install mods?

Simply click the blue button above. It will open the file hosting page with the mod repacked by us from the official source.

How do I install this mod?

See the 'How to install' tab.

Is this mod safe to use?

The mods are repacked as is, without any additional software, malware, or bloatware added. To check for viruses, use a reliable antivirus or upload the archive to a website like Anyway, It's always a good practice to keep backups of your saves in case of mod incompatibility .

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