C-188 Argus Tactical Transport

Vehicle, Air, Rescue, Exploration, Delivery, Wip, Technical, Creative, Mechanical, Subassembly, Advanced, HOTAS, v1.5.4

Newquay Armed Forces Collection

The C-188 Argus Tactical Transport is a light, short range cargo aircraft and paratrooper aircraft. It was designed to transport troops across the vast ocean and deliver them to the fight, in addition to the supplies they will need. The rugged design of its gear, to the ability to fly with only 2 engines with ease, earned its reputati...

Розробник: Sid V

Дата створення: 9 Feb, 2022 @ 9:35pm

Оновлено: 9 Jul, 2022 @ 5:16pm

Підписників: 32013

Розмір (розпакований) : 2.036 MB

Newquay Armed Forces Collection


The C-188 Argus Tactical Transport is a light, short range cargo aircraft and paratrooper aircraft. It was designed to transport troops across the vast ocean and deliver them to the fight, in addition to the supplies they will need. The rugged design of its gear, to the ability to fly with only 2 engines with ease, earned its reputation for its structural integrity. Its performance was what made its fuselage to be used in multiple other types of aircraft, notably ASW and AWACS.


- Ensure Primary Battery breaker is turned ON
- Enable Reserve Battery if needed
- Turn on all 4 frontally mounted Kill-switches
- Turn on all 4 fuel pumps. Do not turn these off, unless the engine is off. If refueling, keep them on.
- Hold all 4 starters. Let aircraft idle and slow taxi to takeoff.
- Deploy Flaps
- Ensure parking brakes are off. Ensure landing brakes are off.
- Use throttle to control aircraft (.9+ throttle is war emergency power)


470kmh Top speed
300kmh Cruise Speed
260~280kmh Loitering Top speed (with 2 engines enabled)
- 120km range at top speed. Further extended by using less throttle or turning off engines #1 and #4
- 170km range at cruise speed. If aircraft drops, use flaps to increase lift

- 29 seats for paratroopers or soldiers
- 1 Jumpseat for spare flight crew
- Small cargo hold
- Long loitering time
- Solid, durable construction
- Engine Fire Suppression system
- Can easily fly on two engines, as well as one in an emergency

- Oh No Look Who for the Thumbnail and being cool.
- Radio by WH1T3 NO1Se
- Yambag for all of his initial customization of this beautiful plane.

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For vehicle mods

  1. Download the .zip archive containing the vehicle mod files.
  2. Locate your game's root folder.
  3. Navigate to rom\data\preset_vehicles_advanced and extract the files there.
  4. Rename both files to something recognizable, ensuring they share the same base name but different extensions.
  5. Launch the game and go to the Workbench's Presets tab to see the new vehicle mod.