Mr Chisel

Vehicle, Air, Rescue, Sea, Multi-vehicle, Exploration, Delivery, Technical, Land, Underwater, Fire, Advanced, v1.4.18

The door code is 29

Let me introduce you my first creation - a head module of ABSOLUTION WARP ship - Mr Chisel.
Mr Chisel is an artificial intelligence multipurpose all-environment shuttle.

How to get in: If ground-based go from behind to the dock door, dial 29 on the right code lock. The indicator will change to green. Then open the door with the left button....

Розробник: Den Shamanoff

Дата створення: 20 Oct, 2020 @ 1:34pm

Оновлено: 9 May, 2022 @ 12:16pm

Підписників: 81749

Розмір (розпакований) : 1.398 MB

The door code is 29

Let me introduce you my first creation - a head module of ABSOLUTION WARP ship - Mr Chisel.
Mr Chisel is an artificial intelligence multipurpose all-environment shuttle.

How to get in:
If ground-based go from behind to the dock door, dial 29 on the right code lock. The indicator will change to green. Then open the door with the left button. Jump in! Now you are in the airlock. Open the manual door (better keep it closed) and enter the passengers (or paratroopers) cabin. It has two hatches at the bottom, you cannot open them while on the ground. Go straight to the cockpit. You can open it with the button on the floor. Go inside and get to the pilot's seat.
If you spawn Mr. Chisel in the dock then jump on the top, and open the upper hatch with the button. Get down. You will be next to the cockpit door. To get in, use the button on the floor.

How to start:
Now you’re in the pilot seat. If you forget to close doors and hatches, the indicators on the left will start blinking. Close them with the corresponding arrow buttons. Turn the key over your head to start the engine, or press hotkey 1. Use the switches above your head to turn on the dashboard and lights. on the left is the engine control lever. By default, it is set at 80%, but after takeoff, it can be set to 70% or lower to save fuel. If you are transporting containers and other heavy items, the lever can be set to 100%. by default, the shuttle is in VTOL mode, wait until the red light on the hood goes out, and gently fly the ship out of the hangar using the up and W buttons. Don’t hit the roof.

How to fly:
When you fly off to a safe distance and climb to a safe height try to control the ship with the W S A D UP DOWN LEFT AND RIGHT buttons. Try hotkey 6. VTOL mode is used only for takeoff, landing, docking, and cargo transportation. Use airplane mode to travel long distances. To do this press hotkey 4 or VTOL button on the dashboard. Attention! In airplane mode, the control buttons change. W – pitch down, S – pitch up, A/D – roll, left/right – yaw, up/down – throttle.

Altitude hold (plane mode only):
You can turn on Altitude Hold by pressing hotkey 2 or ALT H on a dashboard. To change course without disabling altitude hold use yaw (left and right arrows). If it is necessary, you can control the ship, the altitude hold mode will turn on again if you do not touch the controls for 2 seconds. You can specify the holding altitude with a small keyboard.

Autopilot (plane mode only):
A standard single point autopilot is used. Will be modernized in the future. Just use the map to choose the destination point and set it on the big keyboard. Press A PLT button on the dashboard. Altitude hold should be on.

Press A LAND button on the dashboard for autolanding when you are in VTOL mode. You can press it in plane mode when Autopilot and Altihold are on. In this case, when the shuttle reaches the destination point, it will automatically switch to VTOL mode and land.

How to use water cannons:
Make sure no one is in the passenger cabin. Go to the water and fill the tanks for them first. Make sure all doors are closed, then you open the bottom hatch only and get down into the water. If a ton of water is enough for you, just get out of the water and then close the lower hatch. If you need a lot of water (20 tons max) you need to close the lower hatch while you are in the water.

● Tsunami penetration
● Megs and whales pursuit
● Dropping icebergs on rails
● Panoramic virtual cockpit
● Underwater plane and VTOL
● Underwater vision (3rd person only)
● Passenger safety cages
● 10x2 flares (hot button 3) for fire starting
● 2 water cannons for fire fighting
● Magnets gears (hotkey 5) for
○ Landing wherever you want slope angle up to 45 degrees
○ Tsunami Bunker
○ Cargo Transportation
● Container connectors
● Increased survivability


Cost: 294300
Mass: 6680 kg
Length: 12 m
Width: 8 m
Height: 3 m
Crew: 1 pilot
Passenger: 8
Max air speed: 600 km/h
Max underwater speed: 800 km/h
Cruise speed: 500 km/h
Internal jet fuel: 6000 l
Max range: 250 km


[Lua] Altimeter Display Type2 (Semi-analog)
[Lua] VSI Display (analog)
[Lua] Heading Display (analog) v2.3
RM M.E.B.L. - Mobile Emergency Beacon Locator
Customisable Radial Dial
Stacking graph
10 Input Configurable Video Switcher
time and temperature monitor
1x1 screen dual slider controller
4 Button Touchscreen Controller
Radar Controller
avio gorizont gotov002experment
Buunuu's 3D Map


Як завантажити моди?

Натисніть на кнопку вище та завантажте обраний мод з файлового сховища.

Як встановити мод?

Див. секцію "Як встановити".

Чи безпечний завантажуваний файл?

Моди перезаливаються нами з оригінального джерела, без жодних змін. Ми лише запаковуємо їх в звичайний архів. Додатково можете перевірити архів на наявність загроз за допомогою будь-якого антивірусу або онлайн-сканеру на кшталт Також рекомендуємо робити резервні копії ваших сейвів, про всяк випадок.

For vehicle mods

  1. Download the .zip archive containing the vehicle mod files.
  2. Locate your game's root folder.
  3. Navigate to rom\data\preset_vehicles_advanced and extract the files there.
  4. Rename both files to something recognizable, ensuring they share the same base name but different extensions.
  5. Launch the game and go to the Workbench's Presets tab to see the new vehicle mod.